3rd Progress meeting GOLIATH virtual
Utrecht, 22 Oct 2020, by Jorke Kamstra
The 3th progress meeting of GOLIATH should have been held in Stockholm. However, due to the CORONA pandemic it has been held in the virtual space, from 12 to 15th of October 2020. Nevertheless, during a 4 days event, packed with interesting discussions and progress of the science on metabolism disrupting chemicals. It was great to see how the project moves forward, despite the presence of the pandemic and the lockdown at different labs. Thanks to our Swedish partners, Patrik Andersson, Vesna Munic Kos and Susana Cristobal for co-organizing this event. Susana make a beautiful sketch of the virtual meeting, of what could have been, in Stockholm. Hopefully, we have the opportunity to see the house in real life further on in the GOLIATH project!