Biopredic International

Biopredic International (BPI), a biotechnology SME specialized in toxicology and hepatology, develops, controls, and distributes human and animal cell and tissue models for the development and screening of pharmaceutical molecules. Biopredic has a large expertise in cell isolation, cell culture, functional control and cell cryopreservation as in vitro tools for studies on drug metabolism and drug toxicity. Biopredic takes part to several EU funded and ANR funded projects and has shown its ability to properly contribute to these projects and extract the know-how and eventually IP that will give rise to extra turn over. Biopredic’s staff includes several product and project managers trained as PhDs. BPI has a large expertise on liver functions and in particular in the development and the use of hepatocytes as tool for liver metabolism and hepatotoxicology studies. Biopredic is also the exclusive worldwide licensor of HepaRG™, the human hepatic stem cell line. In the GOLIATH project, Biopredic will produce and provide cryopreserved differentiated HepaRG cells as a metabolic competent system as well as culture media. Biopredic will also develop of a new culture medium appropriate for the needs of partners.
Christophe Chesné, CEO, PharmD, PhD, is President and Chief Executive Officer of Biopredic International since 1992. He has expertise in marketing strategy and analysis, and management development through his collaborations with international organizations and their subsidiaries in UK, Europe and Japan. He is either as author or co-author of a number of publications and patents.
Ruoya Li, R&D manager joined Biopredic International in 2006 as project and production manager and her current position is R&D team manager. She has over 20 years’ professional experience in the biotechnology sector. She is qualified project manager with experience in management of European/French-funded projects and R/D projects in different Biotech companies and she has expertise in development of cell-based in vitro models and in production process optimization. She is author or co-author of 30 publications in international journals mainly related to cell signaling and mechanistic pathways, genotoxicity, cell-based in vitro models, hepatoxicity and drug metabolism and 2 patents.
Valery Shevchenko has been project manager at Biopredic International since 2007. Valery Shevchenko works on development and validation of different in vitro hepatic models based on primary hepatic cells, organotypic slices culture and hepatic cell lines, particularly HepaRG cell line. Within the company he was managing european projects such as NOTOX, the project dedicated to development of in vitro alternative to animal testing, BALANCE, dedicated to development of bioartificial liver, SEURAT, Genotrace, and others.