Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek

VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) is a leading independent international research and technology organisation (RTO) located in Flanders (Belgium). VITO is a non-profit company with the Flemish authorities as only stakeholder. The research proposed here will be carried out in its team “Health and Environment”, expert in epidemiology by linking chemical exposure to adverse outcomes at clinical, subclinical, and molecular level. Main tasks in the project. VITO will lead WP5 and will participate in WP1 and WP8. VITO will make data and samples of the epidemiological studies available to the Goliath project. VITO will provide information on human relevant exposure levels. VITO will perform statistical analyses and reporting on epidemiological data to demonstrate the human relevance of GOLIATH results.
Prof. Dr. Sylvie Remy will contribute to WP1 and lead WP5 demonstrating the relevance of results of the GOLIATH project at the organism level. She leads the track on molecular health effects at VITO and is a guest professor at the University of Antwerp where she coordinates ‘environmental health’ and ‘epidemiology and public health’.
Prof. Dr. Greet Schoeters will be involved in WP8 on the international harmonization. She is project Manager of Environmental Health projects at VITO, guest professor at the Public Health Institute of the Southern Denmark University and Professor at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Antwerp where she coordinates a Master’s programme on Environment and Health.
Eva Govarts hold a master in biomedical sciences and a master in applied statistics and biostatistics. She will contribute to WP5. She works at VITO as biostatistician since 2007.